Personal user Files - Frequently asked questions

Panagiotis Mantzouranis

Last Update hace 3 años

1. What is "Personal user Files"?

Personal User Files, or PUF for short, is a mechanism to save and restore a folder or file from the client’s hard disk.

2. Where are the PUF files stored?

By default, PUFs are stored inside the Gizmo Service folder:

You can relocate the folder by selecting a different folder path in:

Gizmo Server Settings →File System Settings → File System → User Storage Path

3. Does PUF system requires windows shares?

Gizmo's PUF system uses a proprietary transfer protocol and its operation is completely transparent to the server and client pc OS.

This means it does not use/require Windows' shares nor is it limited by Windows concurrent users' limitations.

4. How do i setup a PUF profile?

5. How does the PUF system work?

During customer log out, Gizmo compresses each PUF folder connected to applications that were run by the customer.

It then transmits the compressed zip files to the server for storage.

Next time the customer launches an app, Gizmo will restore the associated PUF back to its original location before launching the actual game.

Launch procedure details

6. Do PUFs work for guest users?

No. PUFs only work with registered users (users that have accounts). Gizmo does not save PUF for guests

7. Can i disable PUF for a specific user group?

Currently there is no option to disable PUFs for a speicfic user group.

8. Can i include/exclude files from a PUF folder?

Yes, you can backup or exclude specific files by entering the file name(s) in the PUF include field, seperated by ;

9. Can i seed a default PUF to new users?

Yes, you can seed a default PUF by creating (or simply copying an existing PUF) and saving it to the "default PUF" folder

You can relocate the "default PUF" folder by selecting a different folder path in:

Gizmo Server Settings →File System Settings → File System → User Defaults Path

10. Can i delete existing files before restoring customer PUF?

Yes you can by enabling the "Cleanup" option inside the PUF.

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