How To: Translate Gizmo to your language

Panagiotis Mantzouranis

Last Update 3 năm trước

If you are interested in translating Gizmo to your language, we would be happy to help you do it.

Contact us at [email protected] in order to set you up with a translator account.

Manager translation

To test your Manager translation at any point, follow these steps:

  • Select language, Fallback:English and File Format:"XML - Resx .Net".
  • Save file "Default.aspx.XX-YY.resx" inside folder created in step 1.
  • Edit the file "GENERATE.bat" with notepad.
  • Replace line "set lang=el-GR" with "set lang=XX-YY", according to the filename in step 3. Save and close.
  • Drag & drop "Default.aspx.XX-YY.resx" on top of "GENERATE.bat"
  • A folder named "XX-YY" will be created containing a single file, "Manager.resources.dll".
  • Move the folder inside Gizmo manager main folder, overwriting any files.
  • Launch Gizmo Manager and test your translation.

Client translation

To test your Client translation at any point, follow these steps:

  • In the manage panel of the translation portal, click on "Export current view"
  • Select language, Fallback:English and File Format:"XML - Resx .Net".
  • Save file "Default.aspx.XX-YY.resx" inside folder c:\Program Files (x86)\NETProjects\Gizmo Service\languages\

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