How To: Setup HDMI device controller

Instructions on configuring Gizmo HDMI device controller

Panagiotis Mantzouranis

Last Update há 2 anos

1. Enable HTTPS (SSL) service in Gizmo Server

2. Connect HDMI Device to local network

3. Check your network router or scan network for device's IP address (DHCP assinged).

4. Open web browser to Device IP and login (Default password: password)

5. In "Device" tab enter: https://{GizmoServerIP}/api/device (e.g:

6. Click "Apply"

7. Open Gizmo Server settings - Profiles & Groups - Controllers, the HDMI device should have appeared. Edit the device and name it.

8. Open Gizmo Server settings - Profiles & Groups - Hosts. Edit the host the device is controlling. Select the device for the dropdown menu.

9. Done. The device will automatically turn on/off when you login users to the host.

LED Output

Support 3-pin addressable LED strips such as:



Color coding:

Green: 30+ minutes left

Yellow: 20-30 minutes left

Red: 10-20 minutes left

Flashing red: 0-10 minutes left


Support 5V single channel relay modules

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